Open Graph Meta Generator

The Open Graph Meta Generator is a tool designed to help web developers and content creators easily generate meta tags for optimizing content sharing on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. By filling out a simple form, users can create the necessary Open Graph and Twitter meta tags to enhance the visibility and appearance of their web pages when shared online.

Content Limitations

Understanding the character and word limits for various platforms and meta tags is crucial for optimizing your content. The following table provides a comprehensive guide to these limitations, ensuring that your content adheres to the best practices for SEO and social media sharing.

Name Min/Max Limit Type
Meta Title Max 55 Letter
Meta Description Max 160 Letter
Google Ideal Post Content Min 300 Word
Instagram Captions/Comments Max 2200 Letter
Twitter Post Max 280 Letter
Twitter Username Max 20 Letter
Facebook Wall Post (Truncation) Max 477 Letter
Facebook Wall Post (All) Max 63206 Letter
Facebook Comment Max 8000 Letter
Facebook Page Description Max 255 Letter
Facebook Username Max 50 Letter
Facebook Messenger Message Max 20000 Letter
YouTube Video Title Max 70 Letter
YouTube Video Description Max 5000 Letter
Snapchat Caption Max 250 Letter
Pinterest Pin Description Max 500 Letter


  • Enter Information: Input the required information, including Title, Description, Image URL, URL, Author, Keywords, Twitter Title, Twitter Description, Twitter Image URL, and Twitter Card Type, into the respective fields in the form.
  • Generate Meta Tags: Click the "Generate" button to create the Open Graph and Twitter meta tags based on the provided information.
  • Copy Meta Tags: The generated meta tags will appear in the output area. Click the "Copy" button to copy the meta tags to your clipboard.
  • Paste and Use: Paste the copied meta tags into the head section of your HTML document to enhance your webpage's social media integration and SEO.


  • Generates Open Graph meta tags for improved social media sharing.
  • Generates Twitter meta tags for optimized content sharing on Twitter.
  • Provides a clear and user-friendly form to input all necessary information.
  • Includes a "Copy to Clipboard" function for easy integration into your HTML code.
  • Displays a "Meta tags copied to clipboard!" notification upon copying.

Example Use Cases:

  • Web developers optimizing websites for social media sharing.
  • Content creators ensuring their articles and posts are displayed attractively on social media platforms.
  • SEO specialists enhancing webpage metadata for better search engine rankings.
  • Bloggers and marketers improving the visibility and engagement of their content on social media.